Thursday 12 September 2013

Unit 2 P3 - Legal Issues

To achieve P3 you need to create a report explaining the legal, ethical and operational issues that relate to collecting, processing and using information as well the impact this can have upon a range of organisations such as cost, procedures to put in place etc.

Some of the Legislation Issues you need to cover

  • Data Protection legislation (e.g. Data Protection Act 1998)
  • Freedom of Information Issues (e.g. Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • Other relevant legislation (e.g. Computer Misuse Act 1990)
  • Copyright considerations(e.g. UK and international copyright law)



  1. Customers at a business can ask for personal information about themselves to be changed if they believe the current information is wrong.

  2. Copyright act- you shouldnt copy information from someone unless you have their permission.

  3. Data protection act gives righs to people,by protecting their personal data stored in computers

  4. If someone was misusing a businesses network, it could get tracked back to the businesses network.
