Thursday 19 September 2013

P3 Legislation Lesson 2

Complete the section on Legislation today (x4 lessons on the subject x1 on each law)

Make sure you talk about the IMPACT of the law on your chosen businesses (one of which is Logos R Us)

Give examples of when the laws have been used or companies have been prosecuted using the laws.

(remember to save your sources, add the addresses to your report for bibliography)

Links has information on the different laws, use the search feature.


  1. I finished all 4 acts and conclusion

  2. Finished all 4 Acts and the conclusion. Plus a list of websites used at the end.
    Next lesson, start the ethics work.

  3. I was able to finish 3 acts . I missed a lesson . I will be able finish the work by the next lesson as i will finish it home .

  4. I have finished 3 of the 4 laws, next lesson I need to complete the conclusion and the last law.

  5. i have finished all the acts and im concluding now!

  6. I have finished all 4 acts, and now I am working on the conclusion

  7. I am currently finishing off the current laws and have completed majority. by next lesson i will have everything done including the conclusion at the end.
