Thursday 26 September 2013

P3 Part 2 Ethical Issues

Add information on Ethical issues to your report, this is the second part of three that make up the full report.

Some of the Ethical Issues you need to cover

  • Codes of practice; Email, Internet, Internal Policies, intellectual property and content in the workplace.
Class looked at the different codes of practices for different organisations including Apple and spoke about what is included in the code of practice and how they relate to things like email and internet
  • Examples of ethical issues e.g. moral (honesty, accountability, integrity and dedication), whistle blowing (how will the organisation respond and protect those staff who inform of malpractice), Disability and use of information.
Class looked at the different moral issues that face organisations including equal opportunities and equality. Identified what whistle blowing is and how employees can be protected when they decide to blow the whistle.
Study the media for examples of ethical issues and whistle blowing, to see examples of staff who have reported malpractice.
  • Other
    (reporting bad practice or breaches in contracts whistle blowing)

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