Thursday 27 March 2014

Unit 10 - M2 How Games Have Developed Over Time

LO2 - Know the different types of computer game

M2 - describe how computer games have developed over time


Based on the games identified in the P1 game genres task, evaluate two games from different eras in terms of their:

  • Game play
  • Graphics
  • Characters
  • Sound

Use the link to comment on the Padlet wall make sure to comment on include which game you played, you should have a comment for each game.

Create a timeline of how computer games have developed over time from earliest simple games such as Spacewar! (1962) to Titanfall (2014).

video game timeline

Identify different games within the given time frame comparing:
  • Aim & Purpose
  • Game play - what was the object of the game, how big were worlds, what was the scope of the game.
  • Graphics colours Used - B&W games, Colour pallet, HD games
  • Characters Used - Characters on-screen, charter options
  • Soundsound blaster, stereo, Dolby surround.
  • Use of high end CGI (Computer Generated Images) to introduce the game & scene.
  • Consoles / Platforms for the time

The information for the shared spreadsheet can be used, this will provide information on different games in different genres.

NB: for your decade, not what consoles were used in that time as the information can be used towards D task.



  1. not as big as ur mums cunt hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!111111

  2. its like a cave m8 hahahahahah wider than a black hole hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaa for real doe....
