Thursday 27 February 2014

Unit 15 - Computer Games Platforms & Technologies Deadline 07/03/2014

All work for Mr Stewart & Mr Fischback to be submitted on Edmodo Friday 7th March 2014.

It is important to make a good attempt at the tasks at the level you are aiming for e.g. Merit and make sure any Improvements are made to tasks marked on edmodo.

LO 2 - Understand Hardware Technologies for Game Platforms

P2 - Describe hardware technologies for game platforms with some appropriate use of subject terminology.

M2 - Describe mobile technologies for game platforms.

D2 - Evaluate the suitability of mobile technologies for game play.

LO 4 - Be able to connect and configure platforms and devices to enable gameplay

P4 - Apply techniques to connect and configure platforms and devices with some assistance

M4 - Explain the different connection types for multiplayer gaming

D4 - Justify how the connection types are appropriate for the different multiplayer gaming experiences

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