Thursday 21 November 2013

P4 features and functions of information systems (lesson 2)

Building on previous lesson and the work completed on WOW day, students are looking to complete the task on the features and functions of information systems.

  • Describe 3 of the systems listed, explain the puurpose of each and who may use them
  • Give features and functions of each of the systems
  • Give examples of a Closed & Open system (including diagrams)

Open System
An open loop system starts with Input, then Processing, then Output
Closed System

The closed loop system goes from Input to Processing to Output to Feedback, and back to Input

Task - Create a presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi) to teach others about different types of information systems.

In your presentation you will need to describe the different types of systems that are used, you must also include the features and functions of the information systems as well as an explanation of the purpose of the system and who might use them (real business examples would be beneficial here).


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