Thursday 22 May 2014

Unit 17 Multimedia LO3 - Testing Table

Carry out testing on your multimedia product.

• test plan/table
• functionality (e.g. working internal/external navigation, content loads/works, sound – volume appropriate, no background noise)
• usability (e.g. clear navigation)
• completeness
• accuracy (e.g. proof read, spell checked, text readable with background colour, clarity)
• accessibility (easy to use, clear text size)
• performance - works in different situations (e.g. laptop and PC).

Unit 17 Multimedia LO3 - Creating The Product

Create the product using Mediator you MUST include a Gallery using Wondershare Flash gallery which is only available in CE01.

Thursday 15 May 2014

P2 & M2 Devise an Interactive Media Product

Create a design for an interactive Media Product (we will create using Mediator) that is a guide to a tourist destination of your choice. The interactive Media Product will consist of 10 slides and will give information on the tourist destination of your choice as well as videos, images and a gallery.

For next lesson 22nd May 2014 you need to have the following

Give information on:
  • Client needs
  • Target Audience
  • Audience needs 
  • Content Format

Mind Map

Navigation Map

Use or PowerPoint Smart Art

User Interface

can be hand drawn of a made using shapes in Power Point

Thursday 8 May 2014

P4 Develop a computer game for a given specification.

Development section needs to include:
Introduction - Explaining what you are developing.
Language - Details of the Programming language you will be using. (AS3, C+, HTML5, IOS, Java, GameMaker, Scratch, Kodu, Construct2).
Annotated Screenshots - Showing/explaining how you are developing your game. Should include the following:
Code used – Screen prints or listings of your code.
Compiling of your code – Does you code need compiling?
User Interface elements - (e.g. options, menus, puzzles, help, facilities, triggers, collisions),
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques - (e.g. scripting, rul-based decisions, input processes).

Completed Game Files.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Unit 10 - Computer Games: P3 Produce A Game Design

Produce a design for a computer game for a given specification

Learners should provide the detailed storyboard for the game they are going to produce over multiple levels. This should include scene setting players, rules, purpose, scoring and written annotations that go with it.

Report using clear headings/Sub-Headings to detail the following points:
Your Design needs to include:
Introduction - Explaining what you are trying to achieve,
Aims/Purpose - What is your game going to do?
Audience - Who is it aimed at? Age/Gender.
House style - Details about the colours, fonts plus 'look and feel' Navigation system etc.
Mind Map - Site map/plan showing outline of whole thing.
Narrative - Explaining how your game flows/progresses and how users can move around the game.
Storyboard - Mockup of what each section of your game will look like - including details of text, images, sound, video & animations etc.
Flowchart - Show how users will work through levels in your game.
Interfaces - Details of Menu's, buttons, puzzles, help etc.
Details of the Software - Explain what software/language you will be using to create & code your game.
Platforms - Which platforms will your game run?
Possible expansions/repurposing - Will your game have add-ons to make more revenue.

Bibliography - Listing each source, reliability, copyright and usefulness.

Thursday 3 April 2014

D2 - Compare platforms & their technical aspects for running computer games

Create a table to compare computer game platforms and their technical aspects form running games. Pick consoles from different generations and compare technical aspects (hardware & software).

 Platforms (e.g. handheld, mobile, internet gaming).

Use the table below, add the different different platforms at as the headings e.g. Super Nintendo, iPad....

CPU (Processor)










Thursday 27 March 2014

Unit 10 - M2 How Games Have Developed Over Time

LO2 - Know the different types of computer game

M2 - describe how computer games have developed over time


Based on the games identified in the P1 game genres task, evaluate two games from different eras in terms of their:

  • Game play
  • Graphics
  • Characters
  • Sound

Use the link to comment on the Padlet wall make sure to comment on include which game you played, you should have a comment for each game.

Create a timeline of how computer games have developed over time from earliest simple games such as Spacewar! (1962) to Titanfall (2014).

video game timeline

Identify different games within the given time frame comparing:
  • Aim & Purpose
  • Game play - what was the object of the game, how big were worlds, what was the scope of the game.
  • Graphics colours Used - B&W games, Colour pallet, HD games
  • Characters Used - Characters on-screen, charter options
  • Soundsound blaster, stereo, Dolby surround.
  • Use of high end CGI (Computer Generated Images) to introduce the game & scene.
  • Consoles / Platforms for the time

The information for the shared spreadsheet can be used, this will provide information on different games in different genres.

NB: for your decade, not what consoles were used in that time as the information can be used towards D task.
